11.11.2023, 6pm - late

St. Martin’s Day Autumn Lights Party 圣马尔丁节秋季灯笼爬梯

11.11 is being celebrated in Germany and many other parts of Europe, too. However, it’s not about Singles Day - the biggest Shopping Festival - but about a kind-hearted Roman soldier who lived in the 4th century called Saint Martin.

Especially for children, it is a very magical moment to participate at lantern processions (“Laternen Fest”) with their handmade lanterns taking place every year in the evening of 11.11 to celebrate Saint Martin and his great act of charity.

According to the legend, Saint Martin rode past a freezing beggar in the depth of winter. The man had neither shoes nor warm clothes on. Martin had no money or food to offer the poor man. Full of compassion, he cut his warm coat with his sword into two, giving one half to the man and saving him from freezing to death. Some of the poor children of the town witnessed the event and ran back with their lanterns to tell their parents what they saw. This is how the tradition of the “Laternen Fest” has started.

Amid a populist zeitgeist that nurtures on hate, separation & ignorance, we thought there is no better time than now to remind us of kindness, compassion & LOVE!
In this shared spirit, we want to dedicate this year’s autumn lights party to Saint Martin and invite you to come over for a cozy yet bright Saturday evening (6pm – late) under beautifully glowing red lanterns and great music delivered to you by some of Beijing’s best DJs!

We will keep you warm with red blankets and a bar in our cozy outdoor courtyard, where we will serve our famous hot Gluehwine & delicious roasted chestnuts. As Saint Martin is not only the patron of the poor, but also of the winemakers, we are going to have a whole night happy hour on our wines at RMB 45 per glass.

Let’s dance under red lanterns and celebrate the victory of light over darkness and hope over despair by sending our positive vibes to the universe together!

在德国和欧洲的许多其他地区也都庆祝 11.11.但他们并不是庆祝双 11 狂欢购物节,而是纪念一位生活在 4 世纪的罗马士兵圣马丁。

尤其对于孩子们来说,参加每年11 月 11 日晚上举行的“灯笼节”纸灯游行是一个非常神圣的时刻,他们以此来纪念圣马丁和他的伟大慈善行为。


在滋生仇恨、种族主义、分离和无知的民粹主义时代精神中,我们认为没有比现在更合适的机会来提醒我们所有人要有慈善、同情和有爱之心。所以,我们非常兴奋地向您展示我们一年一度的德国版秋季灯笼节,爬梯时间为 11 月 11 日星期六(晚 6 点至深夜),专门为圣马丁而举办。

同样的,今年整个Zarah,当然还有我们美丽的户外院子都将会被红灯笼所装饰,以此来庆祝Saint Martin’s Day, Old Halloween, Diwali Festival……简单的说,也就是庆祝所有光明的节日。当然,我们的取暖措施不是篝火,但我们有红毛毯,院子里也将会有一个户外小吧台向大家提供我们倍受欢迎的热红酒和美味的栗子! 由于圣马丁不仅是贫困人的资助者,同时也是酿酒师的赞助者,所以我们将开启整晚的 happy hour,单杯葡萄酒均为 45 元/杯。


See you on 11.11!
Guloudongdajie No.46, Dongcheng District, 100009 Beijing, P.R. China

Opening hours 营业时间:
SUN-THU 周日之周四 10AM - 12PM
FRI+SAT 周五和周六 10AM - 1AM

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