It’s time to celebrate Easter with colorful activities, an egg hunt in our garden and of course, a festive Easter-style Sunday Brunch at Zarah on April 17! Be ready for special Easter treats such as Vitello Tonnato, salmon rolls, deviled eggs, Grandma’s Egg Salad, German Hefezopf, freshly baked pastry bunnies, and of course colorful Easter eggs next to our beautiful selection of cheeses & cold cuts and other famous brunch classics. Let the kids go on egg hunt, while you lean back and enjoy the beautiful spring weather - maybe with a glass of sparkling wine? For those who want to have more than just “a” glass, we’ll offer a free flow of high-quality wines, sparkling wine, Jing-A beer and Zarah’s secret-recipe cocktails for 3 hours. As an Easter special we will include Paulaner German Wheat Beer in our free-flow package. Let’s welcome Easter together at our Easter-inspired Sunday Brunch on April 17th. 又到了庆祝复活节的时候了,孩子们又可以参加丰富多彩的活动,像在我们迷人院子里的找鸡蛋活动,以及4月17日在Zarah举行的喜庆复活节周日早午餐! 那就准备好享用特别的复活节大餐吧!我们准备了金枪鱼酱小牛肉、三文鱼卷、魔鬼蛋、鸡蛋沙拉、德式辫子面包、新鲜出炉的兔子饼干,当然还有自制的复活节彩蛋,还有备受欢迎的不同种类奶酪、各种冷切及自助餐一如既往的经典菜品! 让小家伙们继续他们的找蛋活动,而你则可以舒适的倚靠着凳子,享受这美好的春天景色-也许来一杯起泡酒? 对于那些想喝不止一杯的人来说,我们也提供有随便吃&3小时畅饮套餐,此套餐包含有高品质的葡萄酒、起泡酒京A啤酒及采用新鲜时令食材制作的Zarah秘制鸡尾酒。作为复活节的特殊品项,我们也把德国柏龙小麦啤酒纳入了随便吃&3小时畅饮套餐中。 那就让我们在4月17日以复活节为灵感的周日早午自助餐上一起享受节日的喜悦吧!
Happy Easter! 复活节快乐!
Brunch Buffet Prices 早午餐价格
RMB 228 ALL YOU CAN EAT 随便吃 RMB 358 All you can eat & drink / 3 hours free-flow 随便吃和三个小时畅饮 RMB 98 KIDS 6 to 12 孩子6到12岁