There is sweet excitement in the air! Beijing is getting pretty for Chinese New Year with fortune promising paper cuttings decorating doorways as well as red lanterns hanging at each of its sidewalks. The capital is ready to welcome the Year of the Tiger and so are we at Zarah! On Sunday February 6th we are hosting a New Year inspired brunch at Zarah which will feature many local specials such as traditional Chinese dumplings, DIY-breakfast jianbing, Chinese spring rolls, Kungpao Chicken, Beijing sweets and other famous delicacies. Also, our Sunday-Brunch classics will be part of the buffet, including our wide selection of cheeses and cold cuts, smoked salmon, freshly baked bread and croissants, our live egg-cooking station and homemade cakes! Our all-you-can-eat package at RMB 228 includes one coffee, tea, juice or soft drink. If you want to raise your glasses in a toast to a prosperous 2022, perhaps you’d prefer the all-you-can-eat & drink option at RMB 338 per person including 3 hours of free-flow Jing-A beer, high quality wines, prosecco and Zarah’s secret-recipe cocktails – using fresh and seasonal ingredients! Also this year we will follow the Chinese tradition and will have lucky “hongbaos” ready for you. So, don’t forget to choose your red envelope after our New Year Brunch which might contain a Zarah voucher, if you are lucky enough! So, come and join our New Year Brunch with your family and friends and let’s welcome the Year of the Tiger together at Zarah! 空气中弥漫着幸福且兴奋的气味!春节期间的北京变的更漂亮了——门上都贴满了充满生机的剪纸,街道两旁也挂上了红灯笼,树木虽然失去了绿叶但是披上了美丽温暖的彩灯,就像穿上了粉红色的羽毛外衣,处处都彰显着中式浪漫的气息!这个城市已经准备好了迎接虎年,我们Zarah也是如此! 2月6日的周日,我们即将举办一个春节早午餐自助餐,届时将会推出多种本地特色菜,像中国传统的饺子、自制早餐煎饼、中国春卷、宫保鸡丁、北京小点心,还有很多其他的美食。同时,周日自助餐的经典菜品也将一如既往地呈上,比如各种奶酪、不同种类的冷切、烟熏三文鱼、新鲜出炉的面包和牛角、现场制作的蛋卷,当然还有自制的蛋糕!随便吃套餐228元/位,包含一杯咖啡、茶、果汁或者软饮。 如果你想举杯庆祝2022年的繁荣,也许你会更喜欢338元/位的“随便吃&畅饮”套餐,此套餐包含京A扎啤,高品质葡萄酒,起泡酒,还有采用新鲜时令食材的Zarah秘制鸡尾酒的3小时无限畅饮! 同样的,今年我们也将遵循中国的传统——准备好了幸运“红包”。如果你足够幸运的话,也许能抽中Zarah免费餐券,所以用餐结束后,千万不要忘记拿走属于你的幸运红包呦! 所以那就和家人朋友们一起来参加我们的新年早午餐,让我们在Zarah一起迎接虎年吧! Xinnian kuai le! 新年快乐!
Reservation highly recommended! 强烈建议您提前预订座位!
Brunch Buffet Prices 早午餐价格
RMB 228 ALL YOU CAN EAT + 1 / 随便吃包含一杯饮品 RMB 338 ALL YOU CAN EAT & DRINK (3 hours free-flow) / 随便吃+3个小时畅饮 RMB 98 KIDS (6 TO 12) + 1 drink 孩子(6到12岁)+一杯饮品